1. Industrial wind developers are interested only in providing a public service.
Their primary purpose is to take advantage of extraordinary income sheltering opportunities... More...
2. Windplants do not harm wildlife.
Despite industry insistence this won't happen, it already has... More...
3. Windplants will reduce the mining/burning of fossil fuels and lessen dependence on foreign oil.
The wind industry in the East will not put much of a dent in our reliance on fossil fuels. More...
4. Windplants are highly efficient and provide power for significant numbers of homes.
Wind technology is relatively feckless. More...
5. Locals who oppose the wind industry are NIMBYS.
One of the most persistent hypocrisies from corporate wind... More...
6. Windplants will generate significant local revenue and increase property values.
...two recently constructed windplants... have contributed virtually nothing to the local tax base. More...
7. The wind industry will create many local jobs.
This is a cruel untruth, especially in economically depressed areas... More...
8. Wind technology is noiseless and creates few disturbances.
Large wind turbines... create profound noise reverberations extending out... More...
9. Wind technology consists of "windmills" on "wind farms."
The reality is that they are mammoth industrial factories... More...
10. Those who are concerned about windpower are not true environmentalists.
The facts demonstrate otherwise. Notable environmentalists who have studied... More... |